There is no such thing as aging, but maturing and knowledge. It’s beautiful.

I call it beauty.

Celine Dion

I love this quote. There is nothing more rewarding to own your age with joy, love and peace. It took me awhile to get there but I am ever so glad. But I do understand the yearning and desire for the fountain of youth as the media is non stop embracing anti-aging is the way. I can’t help you getting older but I can help you embrace and navigate the process and have a little fun starting with a bit of joy, peace in your heart and love abound in our lives.

Please join us !!

Maturing and Knowledge

When I was in my youth, maturing meant getting old and not a positive thing. As I grew up and had the opportunity to hang out with “mature” people I realized it was not always a bad thing. Some “mature” people were definitely acting old and grumpy. I tried to avoid them like the plague but my grandmother was not one of them. She lived far away so when she did visit or we visited her, she always had a smile on her face, great stories and delicious food ready for us. Had no idea how blessed I was and took it for granted until she passed. She had love, peace and joy in her heart that money could not buy. She was a widow and lost her youngest daughter but did not dwell on what she didn’t have but embraced the moment in her daily life, community and her three children (my mother, aunt and uncle).

Her secet power was the knowledge she could not change the past and dwelling on the past was futile and depleting her energy and joy of whatis on hand now which affected her children, community and yes, herself. She was a wise woman.

Now that I am not a gleaming younglin, I have started to embrace the knowledge of living in the NOW as I see so many people stuck in the past being bitter, angry and acting out of what would, should have… I will admit, I did so as well.

I starting visiting my local library when the brick and mortar bookstores started to close one by one and moved their presence to online stoes. I like the feel of the book in my hands, though I do enjoy kindle when traveling to lighten my load. I wanted to read before going to bed instead of trying to catch up on my emails on my smartphone.

As I was browsing through the aisles, there was a list of recommended read posted on the wall by library employees and regulars. It was an intriguing list. It had the author, title, summary by reader, initials of reader and their age. The ages ranged from 6 to 91. My eye went to a 82 year who recommended the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle she borrowed from the library and has purchased for herself as she thought it had various quotes and lessons she thought would help her family and friends.

I looked for the book at the library and was informed there was a long waiting list but can get the dvd set immediately. I still own a couple of laptops. One high performance I use daily and one I do not use regularly but has the options no longer available, i.e., cd/dvd. So I went home started to listen to it when going to bed every night for an hour or so.

I too, have loved his message that I purchased the book and now quote to my clients, family and friends. It is transforming as it is not a lecture but a gentle nudge of why they are feeling the way they do and to embrace the now instead of the past without judgement. It resonates with every one from my high powered “C” level executive client to a teenager who had their first heart break.

THE KNOWLEDGE of why and how you are feeling without judgement is freeing. MATURING is no longer something I equate with mortaily but a part of life I embrace whole heartedly….. It is a beautiful thing.

Love, peace and joy makes the world a better place to live

pro aging vs anti aging

Pro-aging skincare is more about self-care. So, it is not just about how you look on the outside, but also about how you feel on the inside. When you focus on self-care, you are more likely to take care of your overall health – which includes your mental and emotional wellbeing.


Nothing brings me more PEACE at the end of the day than a beautiful sunset.

Sharing an afternoon tea, scones and finger sandwiches brings me JOY

This beauitful (arabian) protective mama yet so graceful with her foal . So full of LOVE

A beautiful display of magnificent serenity with a free concert by Pacific Symphony for the community.

Coming soon… more ways to bring peace, joy and love in to your life !

Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.

It’s a way to live.

- Jackie Winsdspear, writer