Welcome to our website where we are here to share our experiences to enhance our lives simply but with love, peace and joy.


Graceful Aging

Love is so pure that makes our heart sing! Whether it be a person, thing, hobby or food. Having love in your heart keeps you smiling and that makes the world go round.


graceful superaging

Superagers are a different breed as they have peace and joy in their heart and live their lives with gusto!


graceful health

Physical, Emotional or Social health balance is necessary to keep our hearts healthy no matter what age.



“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.” –Laura Ingalls Wilder




What I hear constantly from active octegenarians are they stay active. Whether it be going to the gym, walking daily, tending to their gardens or whatever they enjoy doing. I absolutely prescribe to that concept but if you are not eating healthy… is also something they mention often.

I’m sure you have heard of the Blue Zone where evidence based solutions help people live better and longer. The five original blue zones–the places in the world with the healthiest, longest-living populations, including Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California.

My father was a career U.S. military man so I had the opportunity to explore different culinary delights and regions for better or worse. He was a meat and potatoes guy and always struggled with weight but my mother on the other hand did not. Little did I know she was born and raised in “The Blue Zone” so my habits were shaped by watching them. Unbeknownst to me I subconsciously followed my mother’s diet and not my father as I watched him struggle.

I invite you to try the various recipes from Okinawa, Sardinia, Costa Rica, Ikaria and Yorba Linda to see what suits your taste bud the best.

i am not a runner

I am the first to say, I love to walk but do not enjoy running, I never have. I enjoyed aerobics and zumba but running on a treadmill or even on a beautiful was never my cup of tea. Pilates on the other hand is my new go to.

There are so many different ways to enjoy this workout with gentle movements you can practice to help keep your spine and core healthy. You don’t need any special equipment, just some floor space and a yoga mat if you start with mat pilates. I have been using this video for close to a decade and just love it as I can do all three (core, buns and thighs) or just one video if I am short on time as it is only 10 minutes each .

Another way to start is and the newest trend is the wall pilates. I love this because you can print this out and see your achievements instead of having to log in to a digital device.

These two examples are accessible and no cost to you. So get started and see, feel and enjoy the stronger you !

 “In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body”

-Joseph Pilates , inventor of Pilates



“No magic fairy or superhero is going to arrive at your door with a kit to make you healthy now and forever. We have to be proactive in taking care of our biology and our psychology. People are now actively foraging for this scientific and health information.” Dr. Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist/Tenured Professor st Stanford University, Department of Neurobiology.

Dr. Huberman has various podcasts that will help you understand his research and notable guest speakers who will add to his already intriguing views that is backed by science. His website www.hubermandlab.com is a wealth of knowledge which not to be missed.

Try this podcast https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/dr-peter-attia-exercise-nutrition-hormones-for-vitality-and-longevity . You will learn so much about yourself!



Social Wellness Toolkit

From the time you are born, your relationships help you learn to navigate the world. You learn how to interact with others, express yourself, conduct everyday healthy habits and be a part of a different communities from those around you. Positive social habits can help you build support systems and stay healthier mentally and physically. - National Institute of Health ( NIH ) has a Social Wellness Toolkit with 6 strategies for improving your social health.

Join a Village

As the saying goes, it takes a village to have a safe and vibrant community in order for us to survive. There are many organizations/networks available for people who need support and services if you look in the right places.

Village to Village Network (www.vtnetwork.org) is a community based non-profit grassroots organization formed through caring neighbors (volunteers) who want to change the paradigm of aging. Your local village will connect members to an array of practical support services and social connections that enable older adults to enjoy a rich, independent and healthy quality of life when they choose to age in their homes or communities. Find a village near you (https://villagemovementcalifornia.org) and join as a member or a volunteer!

Postcards of KindnessCOM

I was researching for ideas on how to include the less mobile to be more social and i came across this wonderful idea to send postcards to people who are also less mobile. I didn’t have to look far as I searched the internet and this campaign of sending postcards came across. We are located here in the United States and the location I found is in the United Kingdom. I thought how exciting to receive a card from us and them to you. Please join me and send a post card to :


Please let me know if you would like to join the “Postcard of Kindness” and let us hear from you!!


  • Coming Soon…Recipes, Exercises and more

  • Coming Soon…Online sources and other useful resources coming soon

  • Coming Soon….Ways to stay connected, Volunteer Opportunities etc.


Super Aging Secrets

Have you heard of the super agers who in their 80s and 90s show little decline in their brainpower.?

Dan Buettner, an American National Geographic Fellow and New York Times-bestselling author is an explorer, educator, author, producer, storyteller and public speaker. Also the founder of Blue Zone, offers lifestyle solutions based on the world's Blue Zones.

For over 20 years, Dan Buettner and his team has been rooted in the research and identification of the world’s longest-lived and happiest populations.

It is recommended not only physically and intellectual active lifestyle but things other than physical exercise you enjoy like gardening. Think outside the box but here are some tips from aarp on how to start engaging in your super powers !

4 Habits of Super Agers

Secrets to super aging is not just stay fit and eating healthy.

Learn more the 4 habits Northwester Medicine has found.


Bring vibrancy back to your life by practicing ways to put a smile back on your face !

best way to get your vitamin d

One of favorite quote is by Alfred Austin.

“The glory of gardening is hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nuture a garden is to feed not just the body but the soul. “

When I am not feeling my best, a bit of gardening does me so good. Getting my hands dirty, getting some fresh air and a bit of Vitamin feels like a big hug from mother nature. It always does the trick for me.

As Dr Huberman explains sunlight can optimize your health. Being outside (make sure you put on plenty of sunscreen) absorbing Vitamin D and planting something for the future just makes my heart sing like nothing else.

Living in Southern California gives me endless opportunities to plant from fruit trees, flowering trees, perennials

This week, I ordered the Red Ruby Grapefruit and cannot wait for it to arrive! I I hope you will take a look as well.

Here are some #protips from our friends at www.naturehills.com Pro Plant Tips From Nature Hills Nursery that I live by.

You'll adore the way this citrus-scented, fragrant white flowers perfume your yard in late summer and fall. It smells so fresh!

ruby red grapefruit tree

Ruby Red Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi 'Ruby Red') is a very showy variety that offers incredible, well-balanced pink flesh. Make a sunny spot in your yard work hard for you and your family.

In fall and winter, beautiful round fruit hangs on the tree in clusters that resemble grapes. These pale yellow orbs are blushed with pink. Inside, the sweet flesh is juicy and can range from pink to red.

The beautiful Jane Magnolia bush

Beautiful, Fragrant Spring Flowers

  • Small Tree or Large Hedge

  • Blooms a Bit Later Than Other Magnolias

  • Full Sun

  • Long-Lasting

  • Reddish-Purple Tulip-Shaped Blooms

  • Hardy & Adaptable

  • Care-Free

  • Attractive Foliage

  • Specimen Plant or Privacy Hedge!

Pro tip

This vigorous tree should be planted in full sun and given well-drained soil for best results. If you have poorly drained soil, you'll need to improve the conditions. Mound up soil to a height of 18 inches and plant into that mound.

Better to plant Grapefruit too high and mulch up to make up the difference, than to bury the root crown too deep in the soil. Mulch after planting to a depth of 3 inches, spread to 3 feet outside the canopy. This will keep the root system nice and cool, and cut down on surface evaporation in hot climates.

Ruby Red Grapefruit trees can be grown and maintained in containers. Size up gradually to maintain the preferred size.

Jane- X Magnolia

Jane Magnolia for Smaller Yards

The beautiful Jane Magnolia tree (Magnolia x 'Jane') is prized for its abundant, long-lasting reddish-purple blooms, fragrance and showy color. Plant them as a hedge along your house or as a single accent at the edge of a patio planting bed.

Jane gives you all the fabulous features you love, without having to make a commitment to a lot of space or care. You'll adore the 8-9 inch, tulip-shaped flowers of purple with white centers, appearing in late spring, prior to its leaves. It will keep reblooming here and there throughout the season.

This is a hardy plant. You won't have to fuss over it in order to enjoy its performance. The fuzzy covers on the buds protect them from frost damage, protecting the delicate Magnolia blooms. It will start making some smaller leaves just as the flowers begin to show color.

Attractive, 6-inch leathery, dark-green leaves cover the Jane for summer. The leaves turn a lovely copper-yellow in the fall. Jane Magnolia is a deciduous plant that will drop its leaves in fall.

Magnolia Jane is one of the "Little Girl" series of hybrids developed in the 1960s. Live in a cold climate? Jane starts blooming a bit later in the early spring than other Saucer or hybrid Magnolias, which protects the beautiful, cup-shaped blooms from late frost. This is wonderful news for gardeners in growing zones 4 - 6.

Why wait? Get started with your order and start enjoying this lovely shrub or small tree.

How to use jane magnolia in your garden

This beauty will be a standout in your garden, no matter how you choose to use it.

How to Use Jane Magnolia in the Landscape

The Jane has a compact appearance. You can prune it to fit a smaller space in your flower bed if you like, or allow it to reach its full potential size in a hedge. It is versatile, and Jane plants can be used as either trees or shrubs.

Plant this carefree Magnolia and you'll soon understand why it's such a sought-after landscape accent. Jane Magnolia is a bit more refined, staying slightly smaller in the landscape, which might make it more suitable for either side of a front entrance.

If you'd like a standout flowering screen, try to plant your Jane Magnolia in a slightly zig-zagging row a bit less than 4 feet apart. They'll grow together and form a continuous garden wall. What a wonderful sense of ornamental privacy in your landscape! 

After all, smaller, lower-branched plants make fantastic screening near your patio for some welcome privacy from the neighbors. And with those incredibly large flowers, which start out looking like big purple tulips that are born on the tips of each branch, why not choose a Magnolia?

Because the flowers keep coming,you'll have armloads of huge, colorful flowers to bring inside all season. Don't forget to include some of the dark foliage in your cut flower arrangements!



Like other mind-body practices, qigong offers a long list of potential physiological benefits.

Pilates is great for the whole body health: A workout for the mind, body and spirit. No matter what your age, size, fitness or workout goal. All you need is yoga mat if you are a beginner, try these 10 minutes PIck Your Spot Pilates.

After ten sessions, you will feel the difference. After twenty sessions you can see the difference. After 30 sessions, other will see the difference!!

Once you get comfortable with the mat pilates, try a Pilates Reformer class. Most studios have free intro classes.

Nothing better than a good night’s sleep after spending a day in the sun absorbing Vitamin D, mother nature’s best medicine.

Staying Active doesn’t always mean physical exercise.

Gardening is an integral part of life in blue zones regions worldwide, where home and community gardens provide a sustainable and inexpensive source of fresh food and good nutrition. 

Moreover, the activity of gardening has been shown to boost mood as much as exercise, according to a 2020 study of 370 people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

Aches and Pain

“Life’s tragedy is that we get too old soon and wise too late.” –
— Benjamin Franklin

After great day of gardening or any other activities. Take the time to rest, read a good book and let your mind and body rest.

Older people are prone to developing age-related diseases that limit their physical capabilities and cause poor circulation. Geriatric massage can help some people regain certain physical functions and mobility. Additionally, many seniors are lonely, anxious, or depressed, and geriatric massage can provide comfort to touch-deprived elderly clients and improve their quality of life. Other benefits of geriatric massage include:



  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (Advil®)

  • Topical Ointments (for example lidocaine)

  • Exercise therapy, including physical therapy

  • Interventional therapies (injections)

  • Exercise and weight loss

  • Medications for depression or for seizures– some anti-depressants and anti-seizure medications have been shown to relieve chronic pain

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy – a psychological, goal-directed approach in which patients learn how to alter physical, behavioral, and emotional responses to pain and stress

  • Other therapies such as acupuncture and massage

    SOURCE: https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/featured-topics/pain-management.html

There is no such thing as aging, but maturing and knowledge. It’s beautiful.

I call it beauty.

Celine Dion

I love this quote. There is nothing more rewarding to own your age with joy, love and peace. It took me awhile to get there but I am ever so glad. But I do understand the yearning and desire for the fountain of youth as the media is non stop embracing anti-aging is the way. I can’t help you getting older but I can help you embrace and navigate the process and have a little fun starting with a bit of joy, peace in your heart and love abound in our lives.

Please join us !!

Maturing and Knowledge

When I was in my youth, maturing meant getting old and not a positive thing. As I grew up and had the opportunity to hang out with “mature” people I realized it was not always a bad thing. Some “mature” people were definitely acting old and grumpy. I tried to avoid them like the plague but my grandmother was not one of them. She lived far away so when she did visit or we visited her, she always had a smile on her face, great stories and delicious food ready for us. Had no idea how blessed I was and took it for granted until she passed. She had love, peace and joy in her heart that money could not buy. She was a widow and lost her youngest daughter but did not dwell on what she didn’t have but embraced the moment in her daily life, community and her three children (my mother, aunt and uncle).

Her secet power was the knowledge she could not change the past and dwelling on the past was futile and depleting her energy and joy of whatis on hand now which affected her children, community and yes, herself. She was a wise woman.

Now that I am not a gleaming younglin, I have started to embrace the knowledge of living in the NOW as I see so many people stuck in the past being bitter, angry and acting out of what would, should have… I will admit, I did so as well.

I starting visiting my local library when the brick and mortar bookstores started to close one by one and moved their presence to online stoes. I like the feel of the book in my hands, though I do enjoy kindle when traveling to lighten my load. I wanted to read before going to bed instead of trying to catch up on my emails on my smartphone.

As I was browsing through the aisles, there was a list of recommended read posted on the wall by library employees and regulars. It was an intriguing list. It had the author, title, summary by reader, initials of reader and their age. The ages ranged from 6 to 91. My eye went to a 82 year who recommended the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle she borrowed from the library and has purchased for herself as she thought it had various quotes and lessons she thought would help her family and friends.

I looked for the book at the library and was informed there was a long waiting list but can get the dvd set immediately. I still own a couple of laptops. One high performance I use daily and one I do not use regularly but has the options no longer available, i.e., cd/dvd. So I went home started to listen to it when going to bed every night for an hour or so.

I too, have loved his message that I purchased the book and now quote to my clients, family and friends. It is transforming as it is not a lecture but a gentle nudge of why they are feeling the way they do and to embrace the now instead of the past without judgement. It resonates with every one from my high powered “C” level executive client to a teenager who had their first heart break.

THE KNOWLEDGE of why and how you are feeling without judgement is freeing. MATURING is no longer something I equate with mortaily but a part of life I embrace whole heartedly….. It is a beautiful thing.

Love, peace and joy makes the world a better place to live

pro aging vs anti aging

Pro-aging skincare is more about self-care. So, it is not just about how you look on the outside, but also about how you feel on the inside. When you focus on self-care, you are more likely to take care of your overall health – which includes your mental and emotional wellbeing.


Nothing brings me more PEACE at the end of the day than a beautiful sunset.

Sharing an afternoon tea, scones and finger sandwiches brings me JOY

This beauitful (arabian) protective mama yet so graceful with her foal . So full of LOVE

A beautiful display of magnificent serenity with a free concert by Pacific Symphony for the community.

Coming soon… more ways to bring peace, joy and love in to your life !

Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.

It’s a way to live.

- Jackie Winsdspear, writer